Intervista a Bimba Landmann su RAI 3 Lazio in occasione della mostra "Bimba Landmann. Cultura visiva e immaginario fantastico" curata da Emanuela Mastria, al Museo Carlo Bilotti a Roma, Aranciera di Villa Borghese, dal 21 Aprile al 4 Giugno 2017.
"The books rich, gilded illustrations evoke the Byzantine style that preceded Giotto, while suggesting as well the more subtle colors and emotional intensity for which he later became famous. In "The Divine Comedy," Dante, a contemporary of Giotto, wrote, "In painting, Cimabue thought to hold the field/ Now Giotto is acclaimed by all/ So that he has obscured the former's fame"- an achivement also alluded to in this gorgeous, deceptively simple book." (Un bambino di nome Giotto, Edizioni Arka.)
New York Times.
"A feast for the eyes and a penetrating look at the joys and tribulations of one of the 20th century's most significant painters." (Come sono diventato Marc Chagall)
The Jerusalem Post
"Landmann does an extraordinary job of illustration. A gift for the eyes and mind." (Just for one day)
Booklist (Starred Review)
"Visually irresistible and inspiring." (Just for one day)
Publishers Weekly
"A gift to young readers with adventurous, poetic souls." (In the serach of the Little Prince)
Kirkus Reviews (STARRED review)
Visconte's incisively written text explains how Francis infused life's practical moments with the sacred, the words heightened by Landmann's extraordinary artwork. With overtones of Byzantine style, a medieval sensibility, and ripples of Marc Chagall's mysticism, the pictures, all dappled with gilt, beg children to look closely at the full and double-page spreads and at the pages with small squares that explain Francis' ministry. "The Canticle of Brother Sun," its words gloriously drenched in gold, makes for a shining ending.
Ilene Cooper, American Library Association, from Booklist.
“With innovative illustration complementing the fascinating story, this truly beautiful book is appealing to all age groups.” (The genius of Leonardo")
National Gallery, London
"Thought-provoking and utterly fascinating, The Genius of Leonardo is also a stunningly beautiful book. Giacomo, da Vinci's young assistant, tells of his time with the artist, subtly drawing attention to the extent to which he was startlingly ahead of his time." (The genius of Leonardo")
"Ogni doppia pagina è una avvincente sorpresa sia per la diversità scenografica, sia per l'uso di colori completamente diversi che caratterizzano cromaticamente il susseguirsi di un'avventura che rimane unica nella storia della letteratura universale." (L'incredibile avventura di Ulisse)
Roberto Denti, Liberweb.
"A book that should be in every young adventurer's library." (The incredible voyage of Ulysses)
Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"Readers will be thrilled, delighted, and perhaps a bit overwhelmed by this imaginative re-creation of Homer's classic tale." (The incredible voyage of Ulysses)
Interview at the Swiss Television and Radio RSI about the Book "Iqbal. The dream of a slave boy".
With Alessandro Vicario, Chiara Lossani, Bimba Landmann, il Presidente UNICEF Italia Giacomo Guerrera (UNICEF Italy President) Marco Guadagnino (Save the Children).
Click to listen.